Healing Mental Disorders
Alex Urbina specializes in holistic approaches to healing mental disorders, using mindfulness techniques, emotional intelligence coaching, and individualized solutions to assist clients in regaining mental equilibrium.
Energy Healing For Trauma
Alex Urbina provides energy healing sessions to help you heal deeply from within by balancing energy fields, promoting inner calm, and releasing emotional trauma.
Reiki Healing Energy USA
Alex Urbina provides transformative Reiki healing energy services around the United States. Personalized healing sessions allow you to experience deep relaxation and energetic balance to support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
In addition to energy cleaning, trauma healing, and mental health coaching, Alex Urbina provides full-service spiritual healing in Santa Clarita. All around the United States, we promote emotional well-being and personal development through our holistic therapies, which include Reiki, energy alchemy, and high vibrational frequency therapy.