How to Hire an App Developer
How to Find an App Developer for your Startup?

Building a startup is tough and finding an app developer who shares your excitement and vision is not easier either. Your anxieties end here with this detailed process to find and hire the best app developers for your startup.
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Before how to find an app developer. What to find in an app developer?
App developers are techies. They live by their technical skills which you need. It’s great if you have already figured out the tech-stack you’ll need for your startup’s app. That will determine the skills that your app developers should possess.

At the basic level, the app development tech stack should comprise:
Programming Language


Web Server
Operating System
Before finding app developers, you’ll also need to finalize the type of app you want for your startup. Do you need a native app or a hybrid app? In case you need a native app, which one do you want to begin with, iOS or Android?
Making a list of the technical skill requirements for your app’s first version is a step in the right direction.
