These are major buffs to certain abilities that we've not included in our top Spear builds previously, like Cyclone and Coup de Grace. Cyclone, in particular, is a CC-heavy attack which pushes back your opponent and is a slow-dealer. It could be a good alternative to something like Javelin throw.

Spears excel at crowd control and zone control. Due to the fact that Spears have the most range of any other melee weapon, you're encouraged to manage the distance you stand in during an engagement, using CC capabilities to shift positions or open an opening when required.

Most of the abilities that we'll be using in this guide originate drawn from the Zoner tree, since its CC effects make it perfect for PvP and PvE fights. Impaler is fantastic to target damage, or when used in conjunction with other DoT weapons such as the Rapier.

It's the Hatchet and Spear build. The Hatchet is considered to be one of the best weapons in the New World, mostly thanks to its powerful Berserk ability. It pairs nicely with the Spear which gives you backup effects of CC as well as range occasions when Berserking simply isn't enough.

We'll discuss the benefits of the Hatchet in the next section, but before that, we'll talk about the benefits of the Hat we'll talk about the Spear. This article will look at the top attributes and the most successful mastery for the Spear and the active skills you must pick up.

For this particular build, we've headed to the Zoner tree to boost critical hits and scale critical damage with passives. Thank you to NewWorldFans for their ability to design and modify designs on their website and you can access them here to try out your own designs. Here are some of the most active techniques you need to learn.